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Interested to learn more about our services and experience for your industry? We have been in business for 25 years. Over the years, we have worked with many clients, helping them move to a digital roadmap. We have seen hundreds of record types – there’s not many that we don’t have expertise in processing!

The City Manager of this 82,00+ community had a goal to fully utilize some grants & embrace a technology leap for the city. Part of that leap included getting several departments out of the paper storage business. The HR department was the first to see the benefits of digital records & showed off the search capability & the ease of updating & adding to their files to a host of others. doc2e-file helped with the design of the system & scanned the backfile to get them up & running very quickly. The time& costs saved sealed the deal for other departments to follow suit. Planning & Easements managers were able to create more office space once the scanning was completed & the files removed. The benefits were even broader than ease of managing documents & freeing up space, compliance with the state statutes, audits and gap analysis were sped up & more accurate as well.
When flooding impacted the majority of the records stored in several areas, this city of just over 10,000 didn’t have the resources to handle clean up or restoration of these business-critical documents. Since our inception doc2e-file has provided damaged document recovery services. Our efforts include drying, cleaning and scanning the files to create a digital replica for preservation in a non-toxic format. Wet paper that dries can harbor mold and mildew & cause serious respiratory issues to those who need to utilize it. The need to act fast & get these records useable was a priority but budget constraints were also a concern. A payment plan was developed to meet the needs & not break the bank. A review of their insurance policy revealed a gap in coverage for this type of event that they were not aware of. Since the records included information that was part of the city’s response to the citizens needs, the digital files were a blessing. The workers that were displaced could still access records they needed & provide for their residents.
The Permitting Department for a 187-year-old Municipality serving a population in excess of 7 million had a problem… Historical Permitting applications & files had been microfilmed for preservation but the equipment to view & print the documents had become obsolete. The modern-day records are kept digitally in a universally shared content management system used by a host of folks needing access to the files. The ease of use of this system compared to the microfilm was the desired method by far. Enter doc2e-file… Scanning the film to produce a digital replica & providing searchability & data to store them in the same universal content management system provided the solution the city needed. Some of film had become deteriorated & the files had to be manually reviewed. Not a Problem! The doc2e-file resources include state-of the art equipment & software to generate clear printable images. The software allowed a quality control review to separate each file into the categories required for load to the content management system. Now finding a permit application or packet is as easy as a google search!
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